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Implantica reports that two independent surgeons presented their RefluxStop™ patient data at the 2023 Annual Swiss College of Surgeons Congress (SCS)

 | Non regulatory

Implantica AG (publ), a medtech company at the forefront of bringing advanced technology into the body, announces that two independent scientific presentations on RefluxStop™ patient data were delivered at the 2023 SCS meeting in Basel in June 7-9, 2023.  

RefluxStop™ was featured as part of this year’s scientific program:

  • RefluxStop™ - a novel device to address Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the context of esophageal hypomotility.

Presented by: Dr. med. Yves Borbély, Visceral Surgery Specialist at Inselspital, the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland


RefluxStop™ shows promising results over four years in a challenging patient population burdened with GERD and esophageal motility disorders.

  • Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair with RefluxStop™: Outcomes in 30 Patients with a Minimal Follow-up of 12 Months
    Presented by: Dr. med. Yannick Fringeli, visceral surgeon in the group of Dr. med. Jörg Zehetner, Professor (USC) at Hirslanden Klinik Beau-Site Bern, Switzerland


This study confirmed excellent clinical outcomes beyond one year with significant improvement of reflux symptoms in all patients of this group of large hernia patients.

“The patient groups represented in these studies are the two most difficult to treat reflux patient categories. Dr. Borbély presented his results of RefluxStop™ used on motility disorder patients, a field where no optimal treatment exists today, as patients suffer from more frequent and severe swallowing difficulties and often pain. The disadvantage with current standard of care, fundoplication, is that it encircles the food passageway and often causes these symptoms to worsen,” says Dr. Peter Forsell, CEO of Implantica.

“Dr. Fringeli presented data on 30 patients operated with large hiatal hernia, who have a much higher complication rate when operated with current standard of care. We are very pleased to learn of the excellent patient outcomes achieved in these more difficult to treat patient groups presented in this independent research work by two leading anti-reflux surgeons in Switzerland. We thank Dr. Borbély and Dr. Fringeli, distinguished surgeons at the forefront of improving patient care, for their leadership and commitment,” says Dr. Peter Forsell.

For further information, please contact:

Nicole Pehrsson, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer
Telephone (CH): +41 (0)79 335 09 49

Implantica is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm.

The company's Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB,

The information was sent for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on June 15, 2023, at 09:10 a.m. (CEST).

About Implantica
Implantica is a MedTech group dedicated to bringing advanced technology into the body. Implantica’s lead product, RefluxStop, is a CE-marked implant for the prevention of gastroesophageal reflux that will potentially create a paradigm shift in anti-reflux treatment as supported by successful clinical trial results. Implantica also focuses on eHealth inside the body and has developed a broad, patent protected, product pipeline based partly on two platform technologies: an eHealth platform designed to monitor a broad range of health parameters, control treatment from inside the body and communicate to the caregiver on distance and a wireless energizing platform designed to power remote-controlled implants wirelessly through intact skin. Implantica is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (ticker: IMP A SDB). Visit for further information.

About RefluxStop™

RefluxStop is a new innovative treatment that has the potential to spur a paradigm shift in anti-reflux surgery. It’s unique mechanism of action differentiates it from standard of care and current surgical solutions.  Existing surgical procedures and devices are focused on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) with a principal assumption that the LES is weak and or improperly functioning thereby not closing properly. These methods encircle the food passageway to support the LES’s closing sphincter and are commonly associated with side effects such as swallowing difficulties, inability to belch and vomit and gas bloating.

In contrast, the RefluxStop device addresses acid reflux without affecting the food passageway.

The RefluxStop mechanism of action is focused on reconstructing all three components of the anti-reflux barrier, that if compromised could possibly result in acid reflux. It restores and supports the natural anatomical physiology of the body allowing the body itself to solve the problem with acid reflux.




Media Contact:
Implantica AG
Juanita Eberhart
VP Marketing & Advocacy

M: +1 925-381-4581


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