Extensive patents hold high value
Implantica has developed two platform technologies to be able to bring advanced technology into the body. Based on the platform inventions, e-InVivo™ for eHealth applications, and the Wireless Energisisng Platform, Implantica has been creating a large patent portfolio – analysing the entire body for suitable applications. Patents will support targeted commercialisation of selected products.
Extensive intellectual property coverage
Significant time and effort have been devoted to develop extremely comprehensive patents for each of the products resulting in more than 1 000 patents divided into approximately 300 individual inventions all together for Implantica. Together with our new product offerings, our extensive patent portfolio constitutes the platform for our business. One of Implantica’s individual patent applications is typically over 5–10 times more comprehensive than a normal patent application. Some applications are even up to 15 times larger.
This powerful patent platform strategy has involved not only extensive individual patents but critically what is known as a “patent carpet bombing approach” supporting the inventions. Implantica provides a platform of additional protection overlapping each other and surrounding the related areas including variations of the core idea. The combined group of patents is together much stronger than the individual patents and to challenge such a patent group is much more difficult. Such an approach takes significant time and is expensive, but enhances Implantica’s legal position. On average the patents per product include more than 1 000 claims and 300 figures with their attached explanation of each figure.
Most of these patents are already issued, whilst others are patent pending. Implantica has full control over all of the patents relevant to its products and area of treatment through direct ownership. Some patents relate to technology shared among various products of Implantica.
Novel technologies well protected
The most important patents are the individual patents or group of patents or patent applications in the “patent carpet bombing” approach which are designed to protect each product. Implantica has spent a decode figuring out and patenting how advanced technology should be able to move inside the body. In relevant parts, they include protection in the fields listed below:
- The cornerstone in bringing advanced technology into the body is the ability to send energy wirelessly through intact skin.
- Wireless energy transfer and energy transfer control – how the energy will be transferred from outside the patient to the implant and how to perform the energy transfer process safely and efficiently including a sophisticated feedback system.
- Specific patents for many different applications relating to the wireless powering system with patents for each individual application or product, covering each individual invention with a group of patents.
- eHealth mainly focusing on communication and programming in a safe way.
- Our eHealth patents also include VoiceControl and other safety aspects.
- Hydraulic solutions – innovations concerning technology solutions for moving liquids, often between different parts of an implant, including the design of pumps, reservoirs, injection ports, etc. Hydraulic solutions may also be used for meeting requirements for parts exerting force.
- Stimulation technology – used for stimulation of human tissue, one example being intermittent stimuli of a ring muscle for closing an organ. Also used in the opening of organs in combination with hydraulic or mechanical constricting or releasing functions.
A large amount of filed patents are designed to ensure an intellectual property portfolio for Implantica’s unique system and products.
To further enhance the likelihood for an optimal patent protection, product development has been ongoing in parallel giving further insight into the product and its protected features.
We believe that the significant investment made over ten years in building this patent platform is the basis for a strong future for Implantica.